Product Management

Creative and Innovative Products




Solid Business Consulting


MVP Model

Build lightning fast MVP to bring your idea to market ahead of your competitors. Test your product with minimal features to validate the concept.


Once we share your vision, we will prepare a strategy plan for further development.


We will build the MVP using latest technologies for product validation.


We will launch your product using a variety of marketing tools and track the results.

Do you need product management?

IF you:

→  Have a business/product/app idea

→  Don’t know where to start

→  Are not sure how to make it happen

→  Missing or unclear product requirements

→  Your team is not aligned with your vision

→  Unclear market conditions and environment

→  Not sure if your customers need this product

→  Want to enter a new market

→  Diversify products

→  Products don’t meet customer needs

→  Vague or inconsistent product management processes

→  Your product team is not enabled to provide strategic leadership

→  Product schedules or quality don’t hit their targets

→  Product schedules or quality don’t hit their targets


We conduct extensive research to learn about your product's market, user personas and competitors.


We shape those findings into a strategic plan that includes your product or solution's goals, roadmap and requirements.


We design product interfaces, taking in consideration user experience, market trends and best practices



Market Research

We will conduct a market research to understand your market's current situation, conditions for development and penetration, product development and diversification, as well as keywords research.

Competitive research

We prepare a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis, pricing research and consider Porter's 5 forces.

Customer's pain points

We ask potential customers about their pain points though interviews, surveys and ask for solutions feedback

 View templates.


user Behaviour analytics

We use analytics tools, heatmaps, session replays and conduct usability testing. They provide invaluable sources of intelligence and insight into how your users are engaging with your product, website content, what they do, what works and what doesn't.


We ask existing users for feedback, conduct surveys and interviews to collect insights for new features and ways to improve their experience.

brand/product perception

Through the power of digital tools we listen to your audience, and conduct interviews to assess your brand or products' perception.

 View templates.



ideation or brainstorming

During the ideation or brainstorming session we will capture ideas, your vision, review any available documents or resources and will organize your insights into cohesive plans.


During a mindmapping session we will organize the information you provide and create the structure of your product's vision, so that it's easier to establish actionable items and steps sequence.

Gather requirements

During this session we ask you or your team members questions to gather all necessary requirements for the product development. We define the problem you're trying to solve and the value in solving it. We build business cases for your project and focus on what you want the customer to be able to do. Our approach to defining a problem is by asking the 5 whys.


strategy plan

Our strategy plan includes several aspects for product development: organizational plan, marketing plan and roadmap. We will target key performance indicators to measure success.

business canvas

We will prepare the business canvas to get a clear picture of your products/vision.


user persona

We will develop user personas for a better market targeting, segmentation, messaging and positioning.

Business requirements document (BRD, FRD, SRD)

We will draft the business requirements document to outline important users characteristics, features, flow and functionalities.

user stories

We will elaborate business cases, scenarios and user stories for the main features of your product.

customer journey maps

We will draw the customer journey maps for each user type to convey their experience while using your product.




We will create product wireframes so that you can quickly visualize concepts and workflows.

UX/UI design

We will design the user interfaces while considering best practices for user experience and aesthetical aspects.


If you prefer to visualize the workflow of the wireframes or interfaces, we can deliver prototypes to better understand the depth of the workflows.


process flow

Visualize your product's processes in a clear and comprehensive flow design.

data flow

Get a clear picture of what data is involved within your system and how it flows through various scenarios.

structure map

Understand the structure of your system's components and their interdependency.

Get in Touch

Share your product vision

A complimentary meeting provides the opportunity to discuss your goals, and see how we can work together.

Time, Budget and Talent Details

To better understand the scope off work we would need to know the resources we have to work with.


Your privacy is very important to us therefore an NDA agreement can be signed before we discuss any product or project details.